Wednesday, May 5, 2010

FenĂȘtre du Jardin

There is a special little park, le Square Georges Cain on rue de Payenne, where I've found the most wonderful subjects to photograph. I've previously posted them here and here. Today what I think is reminiscent of a rose window in a church.


  1. Virginia - what a beautiful spot! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is where I'm heading tonight ... or rather to the Swedish Institute, cross the street! Yes, it's a beautiful and calm little square!

  3. Great choice, I love this square.

  4. Peter,
    That is how I found the name of this park. I knew it was across the street, and worked backwards from there! I'll bet it is lovely in the spring.

    We're glad to have you back from your holiday!

    The roses here reminded me of all the beautiful ones in your neck of the woods!

  5. Oh I believe I have been to this very spot, and even found the photo from 2 years ago! Lovely :-)

  6. It's only missing the glass. We visited the Centre Culturel Suedois during the summer of 2008.

  7. And its the same, or almost the same, as a wrought iron fence design I snapped recently ..

  8. Am I the only one longing to be sitting right there tonight?

  9. No, I want to be there as well, seeing this beautiful work of art.

    You waited until I got back to post this, knowing that it would make me want to return!

  10. Harriet,
    Oh mon amie. I know how hard it is to leave Paris and our friends there. Maybe one day we'll land there together? I would love that. This perfect little square is indeed a Paris Moment I will cherish.

  11. No, you are definitely not the only one longing to be sitting there tonight! Next time I'm in Paris, I'm grabbing my camera and heading straight for this square (and just hoping to get shots half as good as yours).

  12. V, I am so glad that our roses put on a good show for you. We told them you were coming and they needed to look their best! Actually I think it's all the rain we've had but who cares - they are beautiful. So glad you could see them.

  13. I love this little square , I came upon it whilst walking.. really cute.


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