Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Gate

Parc Monceau, established in 1769, in the 8ème is a beautiful place, and one that I think gets overlooked by most visitors to Paris. The gates on both sides of the parc are stunning. Today a silhouette pour toi.


  1. Oh Virginia, will you believe I have a Pasadena photo to answer this one? I'll try to remember to post it this week.

    Thank you. that makes me feel a little bit better about not being in Paris right now.

  2. Oh, beautiful, V!! And I'll look forward to seeing Petrea's 'snap' as well...

  3. Lovely photo Virginia; such an amazing gate. I love Parc Monceau too. Let's meet there soon!

  4. Beautiful, Virginia! You don't see ironwork like that everyday. All of the old stuff is so very beautiful!

  5. OH! Now I must find my shot of the gate at The Conservatory Garden in Central Park ... I do believe, if memory isnt totally kaput, its a clone

  6. I've got one of the Huntington...Gate is of the same period.

  7. I don't think most people know Parc Monceau either. In fact it's a very photogenic.

  8. You're right about the visitors overlooking the parc, but the locals are there almost every day.

  9. Parc Monceau is such a beautiful place in Paris & what makes it more so, is that it is not over-run with turists.
    I too am a turist to Paris on many occassions, but I love to get aways from the usual tourist's amazing what you can we did with Parc Monceau!!

    Regards, Linda

    p.s...can't wait to teturn!


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