Monday, April 19, 2010

The Faces of Paris

Today I'm featuring a piece of garden art on my Birmingham blog. It reminded me so much of the lovely faces I've found over windows and doorways in Paris. The top photo was taken just down the street from the Galerie des Gobelins. The photo below I found at the gorgeous Gare de Lyon.


  1. V, These are just beautiful!

  2. I see that you're fascinated by some of the same things I see, Virgina. :) And I see that Judy agrees. :)

  3. And they are in such beautiful condition, V!

  4. Yes, I can see why these lovely pieces of art remind you of each as companions.

  5. I think I lost my comment so here it is again!

    I can see why the two pieces remind you of each one, altho miles apart.

  6. Do you know if the second one is someone in particular?

  7. I just love faces on old building façades! Now you have inspired me, thanks V.! :-)

  8. Do you have lunch or dinner at Le Train Bleu?

  9. Starman,
    Darlin' we had a glass or two of champagne of course. The late afternoon sun was coming through the windows and it was just beautiful!

  10. These are lovely examples of an engaging artform, one can't help but stop to look at such figures, which express an incredible range of moods and welcome, or lack of welcome... Then of course in a similar vein are the gargoyles...

  11. Lovely sculptures. I think in Paris you always have to look up, if not you may miss some great sculptures like those you posted.


Merci pour votre comment!