Thursday, March 4, 2010

Paris From Above

As promised, photographs from the rooftop café at Printemps. Above the lovely Église de la Madeleine . I love the chimney pots and the allée of trees leading up to the church.

Below, the fabulous Opéra Garnier. Check their website, it's amazing.


  1. These are wonderful Virginia. I didn't even know that this existed until I watched a tv show about Paris last month. Now it's near the top of my must do list for my next trip. 226 days and counting.

  2. Gorgeous! I love Parisian rooftops.

  3. These are wonderful. I have walked all around that area, but the 'aerial' view gives new perspective!

    I think that Chopin's funeral was held at La Madeleine. Big Chopin event in Paris this weekend to celebrate his 200th birthday.

  4. oooohhhhh!!!!!!!

    These images SO make «Louis» wish he could take Mme la Vache (who has never been to Paris) to SFO and head there NOW!

  5. Like Venus rising from a sea of buildings. Wow.

  6. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH ... its magical ..

  7. Your photos are always so lovely Virginia and make my day!

  8. You can see the same Madeleine view on 'live' webcam here: (Scroll down for the webcam.)

  9. Oh OH! Did you see this?

  10. Starman,
    "There is macaron and there is macaron." I agree. Stick to the big guys that know how to make them and I don't mean McD's and Starbucks! That makes be cringe.

  11. have you seen today's Paris Daily Photo?..yours is lovely but THAT'S a picture from above!!

  12. I'm lost somewhere in that first you see me in there anywhere? Throw me a line if you do. I'll need help climbing back out.

    On second thought, leave me be.

  13. These are just wonderful, Virginia. Really, really makes me want to be there NOW! But most definitely
    not for macarons at McDonald's—seriously, is nothing sacred?

  14. This is a very nice picture of the Madeleine. I did not realize that you could see the front of the Madeleine from Le Printemps? On the Blvd Haussmann, métro Havre-Caumartin? I am trying to visualize it, but I can’t really. I have learned something. I’ll go there next time. As for McDonald’s they are not as bad as that. I just heard that in England they are using 50% less salt on their French fries because of the English people’s health concern. They are also using less salt on the rest of their food. I wish they would do it in the US. But I also found out that they place beef extract in their French fries to give them more taste – so people who are vegetarians….

  15. Vagabonde,
    Please forgive me for spouting off here. For me it's not the salt or the frites. WHY do we need McDonalds when you can get a great meal in Paris almost anywhere? I took my grandchildren once last summer. I got the "healthy chicken sandwich" which ranks as the worst meal I've had in Paris in a total of 5 trips. I paid as much as I would have for a nice lunch at a cafe. I rest my case. If people want Starbucks and McD, save yourself a pot of money and stay in the USA. I can't even discuss how I feel about Mc D in the Louvre.

  16. I know how you feel. Last time I was in London I went to my favorite pub and it had turned into a Pizza Hut. But you have to realize that American corporations are global now and want to make money everywhere. My cousin’s grandchildren in France love to go to “MacDo.” In a way it is the same in this country when I eat some pastry they call “croissant” and it is far from a “real” croissant. Here the ads say “xx is the latest from Paris” meaning it’s cool. In France with some of the young, it is cool if it comes from the US. It’s marketing.


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