Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Madame et le Chien - Joigny,France


  1. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Oh I so love this shot, Virginia. Those buildings are amazing, ditto Madame and her chien.

  2. Those old alleyways can so much tell. Great photo. Lucka

  3. The half-timbered houses remind «Louis» of the last two remaining half-timbered houses in Paris on rue François Miron in the 4 ième.

    Very fine image, Virginia.

  4. OverthehillbutgreatviewMarch 16, 2010 at 4:45:00 AM CDT

    Oh to step those cobblestoned alleyways, great photo xD

  5. I see why no words were required, Virginia! This is stunning, and I love that the tones ~ her hair, apron, and the puppy ~ all match so beautifully with the architecture!!

  6. The street and the houses looks very old...

    Great shot and scene...


  7. What a wonderful picture! I love how her clothes match the surroundings, that she's out in her slippers and apron, that her skirt is slightly billowing behind her as she walks her little dog. The light, the hues, the windows, the doors, the lines...all just delightful!

  8. Oh V .. this is superb. Scrolling down past the rooftop, the windows, the ancientness of that building to find that woman and the dog .. I love it and I could do this all day ... its just one of my favorites of all your Paris photos and I have loved many of them... but this .. ''knocks me up'' as someone I know once mis-said so fabulously ...

  9. The colors/tones in this photo are perfect. A movie director could not have created a more perfect scene --- perhaps some people are just in touch with the colors around them and respond appropriately???

    And then certain photographers have the eye to see it and capture it! Merci.

  10. Ditto to all the above!!! Aren't you clever to find that woman and dress her up like that!!!

  11. What a gorgeous shot Virginia! Joigny reminds me of Provins, a sweet city not far from Paris.

  12. Nadege, I visited Provins twice last summer. I have some photos from there on this blog!

    "Knocks me up" is hilarious. I'm surprise I didn't say it first!HA

    Merci everyone, I need to post more photos from the countryside of France I see!

  13. This is fantastic. I love the old buildings, the colors, the ambience.

  14. It looks as if she wanted to enjoy some sunshine and walk Tiny, so she stepped away from her little kitchen where the aroma of her dinner cooking can be enjoyed by the people walking by on the street. I love dreaming up scenarios to go with the pictures!

  15. Here's a site every Paris lover will enjoy:

  16. I like this a lot. The half timber reminds me of Rouen. I thinks Joigny is a short train ride from Gare de Bercy. I might have to check it out myself.

  17. Those buildings are amazing, ditto Madame and her chien.
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  18. It truly is another world. I love these ancient villages in France!

  19. If there ever was a perfect photo, this is it. The lighting, the focus, the movement....love everything about this one!

  20. Steviewren,
    Thank you so much. You know it's funny, sometimes the photographs that don't grab me immediately turn out to be ones that I find so special later. I'm glad you liked it as well. Merci!


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