Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dimanche á Paris

I'm joining Aileni's Monochrome Weekly group today. Click here to see the other wonderful participants.


  1. And a gorgeous choice, Virginia! I love the movement of the young lady ~ and her outfit!!

  2. the movement makes the pic alive somehow

  3. Yes, this young lady adds a definite je ne sais quoi to the picture—don't know how much time you had to think about this shot, but I love the way you composed it with everything else so perfectly and somberly aligned.

  4. Very nice. I like the sepia and the girl with the sense of movement.

  5. I disagree with Mr. Maugham's philosophy. Even if one has unlimited money, excellent health and all the time in the world, there is no way one can see everything one wants to see. So one should see as much as possible every time one gets the chance.

  6. Boohooohooohooo!
    «Louis» wants to go back to Paris so badly!

  7. See...perfect again. I have learned to keep everything because I believe you can find beauty in any image. I love the fact that she is in motion in this type of atmosphere.. Wonderful!


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