Friday, January 1, 2010

Bonne Année!

What else could I possibly post pour toi aujourd'hui ? It's been a little over a year since I started Paris Through My Lens. Merci to all of you who have left comments or just stopped in for a visit. It has been a delight to share my photographs, love of Paris and all things French with you. I hope 2010 brings more travels and of course, many more photographs. Bonne Année everyone!


  1. There were no fireworks this year but the lights show was great.
    I wish you and your family a very happy new year and a soon very good trip to us.
    I enjoyed a lot sharing with our blogs in 2009 and I hope we'll go on again this new year.
    All the best !

  2. Bonne et heureuse année à toi et à toute ta famille, Virginia! Bises.

  3. What a shot! Happy New Year, again, dear Virginia. Phone when you are in Paris - or let me have your number and I'll call you...

  4. Bonne année to you, too, dear Virginia. May we all have a very "Parisian" year!

  5. What a great photo to begin the year 2010! Let's hope that this year will be the best ever.

  6. Alice,
    I miss you mon amie. Maybe in Paris??

    And I hope a trip to Paris will be this year for you as well.

    Come back tomorrow. Something tasty pour toi!

    Can't wait to chat with you again!!!

    A bientôt ??

    Lady Jicky and Barb,
    Thank you and thanks for your visits!

  7. There were fireworks in Central Park last nite at midnight, we could hear them but were too wine-d out to go up to the roof and see if we could see them .. it was a pretty ugly evening.. bonne annee!

  8. virginia,
    happy new year. love your photos ... what a cool shot to begin the year. congrats on the year you have had with "Paris TML".
    nikonsniper steve

  9. A very happy new year to you V! Here's to a wonderful 2010, full of all things French, and of you continuing to share your fabulous photos with us!

  10. Happy New Year to you! Can't wait to see the photos from your upcoming trip although I could look at this one for ages!

  11. Spectacular picture Virginia! I made it to Paris and a few other places in 2009. I'm hoping to go back in 2010. (fingers crossed)

    Happy New Year!

  12. James,
    OH how wonderful!!

    Cali, Petrea, Katie,
    Thank you all. I know you love Paris as much as I do.

    I learn from you mon ami!''

    Rooftop fireworks, how grand!

  13. Virginia, sorry I missed the party!! This one of yours has to be right up there with the most gorgeous ones ever ~ it seems to me like the Eiffel Tower is a champagne bottle, cork popping and sparkles everywhere.

    Happy New Year, mon amie ~ thanks so much for your delightful friendship and here's to countless more beautiful collaborations!

  14. She does look like a bottle of champagne! :)

  15. Happy New Year to you too! The ET looks kind of fuzzy in this shot, doesn't it? I mean like a stuffed animal, not out of focus! :-)


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