Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Fashion Shoot

I promised you more photos from my last visit to the Palais Royal gardens. This young lady was being photographed for who knows what, but I was fascinated to watch it all. I didn't know it was possible to have legs that long !


  1. Six inch heels help, V. :) I love these in the black and white {but of course}. Hope you're having a gorgeous weekend.

  2. Hey V! I don't know why... I can't quite put my finger on it, but these photos have me chuckling.
    David *

  3. Don't the legs kind of match the verticals in the tree trunks?

  4. when I was young all my girlfriends had legs like this, one was even a model. I was a titch. Grrrrrrrr

    She's gorgeous of course and so is the shot.

  5. Great shots...I really love the second one. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It seems that no matter where you go in Paris, they're shooting a commercial or a movie or fashion pics.

  7. Shell, Well yes those heels do help but I still couldn't measure up!

    I am smiling too.

    Oh now, as I"ve said, "Only in Paris! " You'll see. I expect some photos from you too!!!

    thanks for your visit. I liked her look in the second one as well.

    Jilly and Hiker,
    THose legs, oh my goodness. And Hiker, mine are more like trunks!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Interesting, I wonder how many fashion shoots go on in Paris on any given day ? I took some similar photos in the Tuilleries not long ago on an excursion into Paris, will have to get around to posting them one of these days. And skinny, as in nearly skeletal, seems to still be the norm...

    What was that book by Tom Robbins? Skinny Legs and All ?

  10. When I lived in Paris in the 60s, I worked in a modeling agency very near the Palais Royal—thanks for taking me for a ride in the way-back machine!


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