Friday, November 13, 2009

Les Joueurs de Carte - The Card Players

Card playing is serious business at Luxembourg Gardens.

Deal 'em!


  1. And the women have many other things to do, apparently...! Beautiful portraits, Virginia.

  2. Oooh, he's giving you the look, isn't he? Yikes!

  3. I agree with Maya ... was he really fine with the picture taking ?

  4. The photograph of the man looking into the camera is a very good photograph.I like the observation of the woman also.
    More please.

  5. Oh wow, he does seem to be giving you 'the eye', Virginia! Or maybe he was trying to catch a reflection of his opposing player's cards in your camera lens, hee hee. Magnificent pics.

  6. Especially the first photo is fantastic, a prize winner!!!

  7. I don't always comment but I come by and always savor...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Shell, My friend thought the same thing!

    Laurent and Maya,
    He didn't try and stop me. Several others, chess players, would hold up their hand if they didn't want photos. I really didn't realize I was getting such a stare until I looked at the pictures on the computer.
    Maya, I thought this was taken when you and Janet and I were there but think we just found chess players that day.

    Peut-être mon "prix" est un verre de champagne??

    Ian and Thérèse, Glad you stopped by and left a comment!

    I never saw many ladies there. The men were everywhere playing pétanque, cards, chess. Maybe the ladies were shopping! :)

  10. Virg, that top photo is an absolute stunner! A work of art.

  11. Maybe he thought you were going to tell the others which cards he was holding. Or he couldn't believe a beautiful woman wanted his picture.


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