Sunday, October 18, 2009

Église Etienne du Mont

Ceiling detail

Wednesday I posted a photograph from the necropolis of the Panthéon, so this Sunday I thought you might enjoy seeing Église Etienne du Mont. Adjacent to the Panthéon , it contains the shrine of St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris . As I visited the many churches in France, I began to notice the gorgeous ceiling details of each and every one. I thought this one was especially beautiful.
Shrine of St. Genevieve


  1. A symmetrical jewel, V. I like just staring at that top one. We didn't get to this church on our trip. I think I could spend a lifetime in Paris and not see everything.

  2. It used to be called St. Genevieve. I'm not sure why they changed it.

  3. Your pictures of Paris are so nice. I rested my eyes on La Nécropole du Pantéon...

  4. Where's my hanky, I'm dizzy.

  5. I came across this eglise when wondering around near the Pantheon and fell in love with it. I'm sure you have more photos, and I'll be waiting to see them all.

    I think that Blaise Pascal was interred here/or at least they have a plaque up about him.

    V -- We are now back at home!

  6. Harriet,
    Bienvenue! Glad you got inside this time. I have a few more to share. Peter and I tried on two different occasions to visit but it was not the right time. It is lovely.

    One can never see all the beautiful churches in Paris but I still have some more for my Sunday posts!

    Now I can't help you on that one. I will say that for some reason when I first wrote the title, I called it Eglise St. Genevieve and then checked my archive photo for the plaque. Hmmmm

    Thanks everyone. I'm glad you are enjoying our Sunday churches in France.

  7. wish I could bend my neck back this far!


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