Monday, October 26, 2009

Couleurs Primaires

Jardins des Plantes

You can't please all of your readers all the time but today, I'm sure I'm pleasing at least one! Starman has suggested that I do a Primary Color post. As luck would have it, I found one photo that fits the rouge, bleu, jaune theme. Pour toi, Starman!


  1. You've pleased at least two, Virginia ~ this is beautiful! I love the door, with its peeling layers of paint.

  2. Count me among the pleased -- fantaststic picture!!

  3. Who was it that said if you see something red photograph it? Well, they were right. Great way to wake up this Monday morning.

  4. Paula,
    Don't know who said it but I wish I had! You know I'm thinking about starting Jan 1 doing nothing but BW film ( with a 50mm lens) for a month or more. I am worried that I won't be able to break my rouge addiction by then. We'll see. and if you want to relax and take yourself to a most serene place, visit Diederick's Aronaeveryday blog today. AMAZING fog photograph!!!

    SS and Shell,
    Glad this photo floats your boat as well. :)

  5. I am in deep love with that door ...

  6. Merci à toi, Virginia. It;s great. It kind of looks like someone turned a recycling bin into a house or office, doesn't it?

  7. Starman,
    If you search Jardins des Plantes at the top of this blog, you'll see another shot of this cute little shed from another angle. WHY didn't I nose around and see what they had inside?? I'm thinking tools maybe? I'm glad you liked it.

    There are more great doors in Paris!!


Merci pour votre comment!