Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On the Loose in Paris

The first day I arrived back in Paris in July, I was enjoying a glass of wine at a local café and spotted this petit chien. I thought perhaps he was waiting for his owner, who was there in the tabac, but apparently not. He scampered away shortly. A streetwise Parisian chien? I hope so!


  1. Two very different dogs on a same shot... This one need a bath, don't you think so?

  2. V - I hope he scampered away to a loving home - 'tho he doesn't look very cared for does he? He needs Jilly!

  3. Ah, poor fellow and in the background the woman with dog on leash and cell phone. I love the contrast.

    Verification word: traphim hmmmm

  4. Oh I hope he was headed home and not lost ... sweet shot

  5. It almost appears that the chien on the leash is looking wistfully at le petit chien.

  6. Excellent blog with awesome pictures of Paris!

  7. Dogs schmogs, I want the postcard rack!! (Ok, the dogs are adorable and I love this photo, but still, I want the postcard rack because it has slots for both vertical and horizontal cards, and mine only has horizontal.) Just two weeks and three days now!!

  8. Katie, I'll give you directions. Maybe you can sweet talk the owner out of that nice card rack! I can't wait to travel back to Paris via your blog. WHY dont' we plan a trip at the same time? Wouldn't we have some FUN!!!!

  9. I'm afraid I just might have taken him home with me.

    I'm a sucker for strays, have 3 of them...

  10. This is a fabulous photo. I love the composition with that pauvre petit chien and the chic lady in the background. This confirms that you're not only lucky be most of all a very good photographer.


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