Thursday, September 17, 2009

Les Toillete Toters

As most of you know, Paris has some traffic/parking issues. I don't have the numbers but I would guess that most Parisians use the Metro, bus, bicycles or motorbikes. The rest have cars and try and squeeze them in every imaginable crevice on the streets. I'm sure not having a car saves the average citizen many Euros and a lot of hassle. That said, I 'm thinking there are times when a car might come in handy. Case in point: You need a new toilette for your flat. Now how do you get it home? I ran up on these two fellows in the Marais and as I followed behind them I couldn't help but laugh and snap as many photos as I could. That's what friends are for, oui?


  1. Care would have come in handy for them. It's funny the way the guy's lifted the thing reminds me of a statue of a man carrying the globe on his back.... :-D

  2. What fun! To watch, that is. No fun carrying a toilet on ones' head and walking down the street. The men sitting outside the cafe look like they really want to make some smart *ss comments.

    13 more days and I'm off!

  3. I am so laughing at how the second man is 'helping' ...

  4. Dis these guys ever trade places, or did the one guy do all the heavy lifting?

  5. The the toter toted the whole way! HA

    The whole thing was hysterical for me. THe guy with the chapeau was of not much use and the fellows at the cafe looked like they saw that spectacle every day! HA

  6. That is hilarious! Reminds me of the guy I saw coming out of the Metro station carrying a huge roll of carpet!


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