Friday, August 21, 2009

Le Tour de France......The Sequel

Bleu et un vélo

Rouge et un vélo
( SURELY a baby doesn't ride on that front seat!)

Pigeon et un vélo
( Don't let the pigeon ride the bike! My grandchildren will understand)

Apparently while I was busy photographing doors, strangers, everything rouge or bleu, etc. I picked up yet another fetish........ scooters and bikes. So here you go!


  1. Could have been the cover to "The blue bicycle" by R. Deforges.

  2. Great images. I like bicycles. They make great props and are fun to ride. The thing on the front of the rouge velo is for a crate or box. Probably for delivering things.. maybe pizza.

  3. J'adore le vélo rouge et les portes bleues!

    Last night Richard and I started talking about when I might reschedule my trip to Paris.... Perhaps in the spring.....

  4. In Fort Lauderdale, there is a blue bicycle that shows up in various parts of the city. I think it's supposed to be art, but.... At any rate, here is my picture of it:

  5. Starman,
    What a cool bike. Even the tires are bleu! Trés belle!

    How exciting! I love Paris in the springtime...........

  6. Don't renovate this blue door, please!

  7. Je t'aime surtout tes photos de velos! Bien fait! And the church photos are lovely, but especially St Germain des Pres. It's been ages since I've visited there but these photos and your comments bring it all back in a lovely rush!

  8. Oh,
    I am so glad my photographs evoke fond memories of Paris. They do so for me as well.

    I think the porte bleu is safe from renovation!

  9. Great series! I loved all the bikes there!

  10. j'aime beaucoup votre œil qui offre un travail remarquable.

    I love your eye offers a remarkable job

  11. Ha! that first photo looks familiar - so does the black cat but you'll have to fight for identity with Shell on that


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