Monday, August 17, 2009

La Coincidence?

August, 2009

Opera Garnier
November, 2008

LOOK BELOW........There's another WHAT IS IT? WHERE IS IT?
Big prize for the correct guess on this tough one!! :)


  1. Oh my. Is that really the same man? How bizarre. Love the angle of the photos, though.

  2. K
    I am sure it's not the same guy, but I realized the moment he sat down that I was going to get a very similar shot.

  3. I am thinking it was the same person .. when I visited Venice a few years back I began to think I had stumbled into that oddly wonderful Donald Sutherland/Julie Christie movie 'Dont Look Now' .. I kept 'running' into this odd man dressed as if he was on his way to play (or audition)in Phantom of the Opera ..

  4. What struck me was that I remember that place in Montmartre - and Jean Renoir describes it, I believe, in his book Renoir, My Father, as being quite near where they used to live, near Allee des Brouillards!


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