Thursday, August 27, 2009

At the Medici Fountain

Ahh, the famous Medici Fountain at Luxembourg Gardens is something you must see. I regret I don't have a great shot of the entire fountain and pool. It was hard to elbow my way through the throngs of tourists that wanted their photo taken in FRONT of it! (WHY???) Well, I found the people seated all around it, enjoying the beautiful day, very interesting. Today a few portraits as well!

French Strangers # 37-38

The ever changing banner photo is now the Palais Royal Metro station. It's a favorite of mine. Those of you that know me well, understand that I like to keep things moving around my blogs. Stay alert.... you might miss something!


  1. Virginia, it's wonderful to see your pictures from this recent trip. The Medici Fountain is my favorite place in Paris. It was my center of operations whenever I was there.

  2. I loved the third image very much :)

  3. This is a great fountain shot, V.! Perfect composition. And your header is simply fabulous, so eye-catching!

  4. I never have understood the point of having one's photo taken in front of something vs having a photo of that something ...

    Where/what is that marvelous header shot?

  5. I have lots of photos of the Medici fountain. I visited it a few times in December and will be living just a few blocks away in October. It is just amazing to see. Did you see the little duck hut hidden behind it?
    I like you header photo, too. It's where I spent so much time last trip.

  6. I should have let you take a picture of the back of my shirt after that bird did whatever he did to it while we were there. Yuck!

  7. Daryl,
    Don't get me started. The ones that pose in FRONT of the gr eat works of art at the Louvre are the ones that drive me the craziest. I can't imagine getting home and having a zillion shots of yourself in front of every beautiful thing in Paris!

    I forgot the bird poop incident! It was funny though.

  8. I see that at The Huntington all the time. In fact, I guess I'm an enabler, because I'll snap the photo if they ask.

    I think the top one is swell.

  9. Loved the Medici fountain and I, too, have a few shots of it.

  10. Virginia, another great post and banner. I love how 'up close' the banner shot is....I want to reach into my computer and touch it!

  11. Rchrd,
    Well your photo of the rooftops of Paris from Notre Dame brought back some lovely memories for me as well. I hope there are more Paris photos to come !

  12. Great photos V! I especially love your portraits here. I can't imaging having a zillions photos of me in front of all the Paris sites either. However I constantly get complaints from friends and family who see my full travel photos albums, who say "Where are the photos of you?"

  13. I was there just a over a week ago, am really annoyed as my photo never came out :-(

    Please does anyone have a photo of Medici fountain that they really wouldn't mind me having, or sharing on my blog!

  14. Anne you are welcome to this one for your blog. I don't have one of the entire fountain though. Email me if you'd like it and I'll send it to you.


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