Monday, August 31, 2009

Arc de Triomphe du Caroussel- TWO THINGS CHALLENGE Arch/Road

Looking toward la Louvre

The Arc de Triomphe du Carroussel built in 1806 commemorates Napolean's military victories of the previous year. It was originally topped by the famous horses of Saint Mark's Cathedral in Venice. Napolean lifted those as a little souvenir of his victory. Alas, they were returned to Venice in 1816 and a likeness made by Baron Francois Joseph Bosio. The Arc orginally stood in front of the Palais des Tuileries until it burned in 1870.

This Arch de Triomphe du Carroussel probably pales in comparison to the larger and more famous one, the Arc de Triomphe, found on the western end of the Champs Élysées at the Place de l'Étoile. I personally find this one at the entrance of le Jardins des Tuileries more approachable ( you don't have to risk being run over by speeding cars converging from 12 busy avenues ) and much easier to photograph. Last June, Peter and I had the opportunity to do an evening photo shoot here. The storm clouds were gathering but we were fortunate that they passed us by. The dark skies made for some rather interesting photos however.

As some of you know, I drift in and out of the TWO THINGS CHALLENGE, mainly because my short term memory is shot and I can't keep up. I do love the bloggers that participate so I am proud to post my second entry in two weeks. (I think I'm on a roll, but the jury's still out.) That said, the challenge this week is ARCH/ ROAD. I'm pushing it as always. I have the ARCH/ARC covered and I'll just let the Champs Élysées be my ROAD! To see how other bloggers interpret this theme click here.

View from les Jardins des Tuileries


  1. Great shots. I loved this arch and photographed it over and over. The colors on the columns were beautiful and I agree that it is way more approachable than the big one.
    I especially like the dark night one.

  2. I love the pix but that sky ..oh la la

  3. The two posts I made today feel like they have very simiar themes! Though I didn't do it for the two things challenge. Actually, now I'm regretting that... hmmm Perhaps this will be the week that you post something and I don't!

  4. I am so drawn to that last photo.


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