Sunday, August 16, 2009

100 French Strangers - The Waiters

Anyone still wondering WHY I love Paris???
French Stranger #34

French Stranger #35

Drawing pictures for our 4 year old endeared him to our lunch group!
French Stranger #36

You didn't think I'd run out did you??? Heavens, I've got quite a few left in the can. Aujourd hui, some delightful French waiters and a maitre d'. Oh la la !

Check out my friend Janet's blog, DC Confidential, for a rather humorous photo documenting our trek to the dome of the Sacre Coeur a few weeks ago.


  1. Even when enlarged I can't read the name of the street in that first photo --- keeping your favorite haunts and favorite waiters a secret, are you????

    Love that photo of you and Peter over on DC Confidential's blog.

  2. All I can tell you is it's near the fountain down from the Sorbonne. That help?? I am not good at documenting where and when. I need to improve on that since I realize now everyone likes to share places to eat and see.

  3. Oh, I love Alberto. That photo popped up first as the page was loading and made me smile from ear to ear. What a face. Whoever said that French waiters weren't friendly was an idiot. They are lovely.
    I can't wait.. 6 more weeks.. sigh.

  4. The waiter on top looks like he's midway through a dance step a la Gene Kelly.

  5. PS: Love the song Je Reviens Te Chercher on your sidebar.

  6. I thought Paris imposed a smoking ban city wide. That's what I love about Paris, the individualized anarchy.


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