Friday, July 17, 2009

What Is It? Where Is It? - Centre Pompidou

Well I didn't fool a soul today. Daughter Melissa was the first with the correct answer but everyone was a winner ! I'll have to dig a little deeper for the next puzzle. This is indeed the Centre Pompidou. Aesthetically, I don't find it all that appealing but it is tres colorful and fun to photograph. Peter tells me that the pipes are all functional and color coded in some way. More posts to come!

Well it's time to play the Paris Puzzle again. Where is it? What is it? I think this one is too easy
but let's just see.


  1. I think it's the exterior of the Pompideau Center...

  2. Anonymous, sorry but if you want to play you must sign your name! Bon chance!

  3. definitely the centre de george pompidou....


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I know I spelled it wrong but I've been to the Centre Georges Pompidou a few times. It's a really neat place.

  6. I'm guessing the Pompidou Center as well. Did you see the special exhibit there? Can't think of the artist's name but one painting is of a piano -- bright colors......

  7. The artist is Kandisky. I was so hoping to see this exhibit! I recently read a book about art and music and many of his paintings were used in the book.

  8. I'll leave the contest open till tomorrow. For you smarty pants Francophiles, I think Peter is having a tough one on his blog soon. Check it out later this week.

  9. Well, of course there is no doubt, but I say nothing! (I believe I promised?)

  10. Yup. It's that abominable Centre Pompidou.
    Oh, how «Louis» hates that building!
    A Lego structure gone mad!

  11. Pompidou is my guess too,
    And I must add I like that place!

  12. It is the courtyard near the water feature on the Seine side of the Pompidou Centre - where buskers rock up.

    I saw this really cool boy band with 'cello there last October ... singing the most French of lost love ditties ... with gusto and lots of body language.

  13. I really liked this museum but missed some of the exhibits. I will go back this next time and do it over again. A fun place.

  14. It really is quite hideous, on the othehand the colours just burst onto the screen.


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