Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Paris Portraits


  1. Such wonderful people shots .. and the one of you with the Grands is just perfect .. frame it!

  2. Daryl,
    I wish! ha Thanks for the compliment but that's my daughter Melissa with the children.

  3. Sweet. Just sweet. all of them.

  4. Hello, Virginia -
    I have just seen your blog for the first time. SO wonderful. I do love Paris also and your photos songs etc. provide a wonderful visit!

  5. I cannot believe that your month is over and you are home again. It went way too fast for me so I can imagine how quickly it must have flown for you.
    I love all of your photos and cannot wait to go back again to take more of my own. Perhaps in October.. I hope.

  6. Ah to be amongst these images. Sigh!
    It has all gone by so quickly but the images we can say for a long time to come.


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