Monday, June 29, 2009

Madames et Monsieurs, We Have a Winner!!

Well I think I might have potential as a game show host in my future!  This has been a lot of fun.  We do indeed have a winner to my latest "What Is It? Where Is It?.................our very own Dusty Lens has done it again.  He correctly guessed the *Pont d'Arcole.   DL, your fabulous prizes are mounting up my friend.  We also have a runner up this time, my former student Rip.  Rip is just going into 6th grade and I think if you read his comment you can see he did an excellent job researching the photo.  As a new "Shades Cahaba alumna" Rip will also get a prize.  BTW, Rip was in my class when I went to Paris for the first time.  He endured many many viewings of my Paris movie and endless photos, tales etc.  I went in March of 2007 and Rip and his family went in May of that year. We are both hopeless Francophiles as is the rest of his family. Congrats to DL and Rip!  

Watch for the next contest. I have one ready to post in the next few days.  

* A very special thanks to Meredith Mullins for verifying the correct bridge for me.


  1. Darn it! I thought I had that one. Thanks for the mention though! And oh yes, I think I had that Paris video branded in my brain cells by the time I left your classroom. These contests give me something to do on my somewhat boring days of summer. My schedule generally goes; Wake up around 10:30-11:00
    Sit around, try to find something productive to do, eat lunch, check Ms. Jones's blog... that says enough. Keep em' coming!

  2. Rip, gosh I'm thrilled that I'm no longer boring you to tears and now giving you something to look forward to each day this summer!! It does a teacher's heart good !
    Mrs. J.

    PS Are you doing enough reading????

  3. Rip Livingston! Great name. I have a had a little difficulty getting the Paris blog up most days. Lovely evening light.

  4. What a lovely pont it is.. congrats to the winner

  5. Yes, I am doing my fair share of it. You know that we have to do a required amount for 6th grade. Uggg!!! I'll get through it though. It's not the reading, it's just the report we have to do. I like to just read a book, then move on to the next one.

  6. B,
    Great name and great kid, as you can see!

    Don't you just hate it when teacher's spoil a good book by making you WRITE about it! Geesshhh!

    Anything you'd like me to photograph while I'm in Paris this next visit?

  7. Dusty Lens must have the best memory in the world. Or he just got back from Paris.

  8. It was the ice cream. It's my one vice. no, make that three. Also helps that I enjoy architecture and structural elements to the point of becoming quite nerdy. Thanks, V! love these fun contests.


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