Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Roaming French Gnome and Family

The adventure starts 23 mai.  I will be posting most every day along with photographs. 


  1. excellent texture and mood here

    Great shot!

  2. Am really looking forward to this. Love the French Gnome.

  3. You must be getting so excited! I cannot wait to see your photos and hear all about what you're doing on your trip. Wow, your 2 months will be incredible!

  4. Looking forward to your return photos. I am envious, I'd like to return to the ramparts of Notre Dame and reshoot the gargoyles. Say, maybe you could do that for me... ;)

  5. I do so hope the gnome will feature prominently.

    wv mardi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Yippppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Room for a little one?

  7. Testing, testing, one two three...

  8. As I write this, you are in the air headed east over the waters. In just a few hours you will be passing through customs with your feet on the French ground. Don't kiss it or anything, but just know how excited we all are for you and that there are probably many of us that will pause in our days while you are there to think, "I wonder what V is doing right now?" Well, Ms. V, happy adventuring and take good care of yourself. Please give my best regards and big hugs to any and all City Daily Photo folks you may run into during your sojourn. I hope you get to meet a lot of them and share a laugh and a moment in your favorite place.

  9. MERCI! I am excited about posting our adventures and photos every day!

  10. Another I must comment on, as I too am a gnome lover. THis is a great photo!


Merci pour votre comment!