Saturday, January 10, 2009


Cemetery, Montmartre
"la tour Eiffel, Mumsie!"
March,2007 *

" la Maison Jaune"
le Marais

" le Philosophes "
le Marais

*For the remainder of my posts, I will from time to time include photographs from my previous trip to Paris in March, 2007.  


  1. A pleasure as always to see your shots. It brings joy to my heart! I look forward to those from your previous trip as well.

  2. I like that second photo "La tour Eiffel, Mumsie", V. ... So alive!

  3. V, Show us anything - they're all wonderful!

  4. I want to pull up a chair in the last shot and never leave. Cute girl and what an experience for a child, Paris. Did you go to the Père Lachaise Cemetery. Morbid I know but that place fascinates me the amount of buried talent there. Your top shot sparked the question.

  5. No PLC this trip. Maybe this summer. Melissa wants to see where ole Serge is resting! I have mixed emotions about the cemeteries. I appreciate the lovely architectural details etc., but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was intruding. Know what I mean? It will be interesting this summer to see how much Eva remembers from her first trip. It will have been 2 years by then.

    I hope I will be realistic enough to know when to "pull the plug" on this blog! I may have already passed the point of interest to most viewers! Yikes!!

  6. Fantastic captures that made me look at the images again and again

  7. Er excuse me. You have definitely not surpassed the point. Babooshka has spoken. I agree about intrusion it's just a place I am drawn too because of so many of it's inhabitants. Well you just know I'm an Oscar Wilde fan.

  8. still enjoying your photos, V.
    do go to Pere Lachaise. Victorians considered it an outing in the park, not a final resting place. Promenade a bit. See the part of Victor Noir that, um, isn't noir. I think they may have cordoned off Oscar Wilde's grave so people like me would stop putting smooch marks on it. just sayin' Lancome Jezebel looks good on granite.


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