Friday, December 19, 2008

France Celebrates European Union

On Monday,  my Metro photo was featured on my friend Peter's,  Paris blog as part of his Mid Month Subway Theme Day participation.  I decided to return the favor and invited Peter to post some of his photos here. He took these on a night shoot we shared during my trip in November.  His images far surpassed mine so I am most appreciative that he is willing to share them with you. 

I have asked him to explain the purpose of the slideshow projected on the National Assembly as well as  la tour's blue mood!

"During the six months' French presidency of the European Union, (soon finished) not only the Eiffel Tower has been blue, but the National Assembly building has been illuminated with a slideshow recapitulating the European history."

These are only two of many slides that were projected on the building and columns of the National Assembly.  Due to the lighting and movement of the slides it was very difficult to capture.  Thank you Peter. I hope we can find another opportunity to share our photos with each other!


  1. The slideshows are amazing and the capture is even more so. The lights of La Tour with Pont Alexander is quite a sight. Thank you V. and thank you Peter!

  2. And the "blue"? Is that a colour of the EU? It must take a fair bit of organising to get, say, the EU stars inbetween each column.

    And for you, Peter, a fair bit of watching to determine the cycle and the exact timing.

    All three are lovely images ...

  3. Thanks Virginia for letting me be your guest! I would like to come back here regularly today to look for the comments, but I will be busy walking around Paris again, together with another blogger, Karen from Florida ( I will be back later.

  4. Sublime!
    When was the last time I was proud of being French??? lol

  5. Hello. Just checking in before Peter arrives for our trip to Pere Lachasse. I need to learn this French keyboard. Tres difficult.

  6. and now we have to ask.....Have Mr. Sarkozy's attempts to "paint the town red" during his Presidency ended up turning many of the other leaders e.g. Ms. Merkel an even deeper shade of blue?

  7. These are brilliant! Very well done! Congratulations both of you!

  8. Hi Peter,

    These are stunning photographs. Have a wonderful day showing off this beautiful city. I look forward to meeting you in the summer.

    (Virginia's daughter)

  9. Master Peter - "Our blogambassador of Paris" - well done! We look forward to seeing more of your work on Virginia's site - it's a fine collaboration. Enjoy your holidays...

  10. pretty!! Peter did a great job on them all.

    Virginia, do you have enough photos from your Paris trip to make this "Paris Through My Lens" blog going until your next trip in June?

  11. Ming, The answer would be Non! As you well know, I took a lot of photos but not enough "blog worthy" ones the way they are scrutinized here-ha. I say I have maybe another couple of weeks left at the most. Maybe Peter could fill in and stretch it for me!

  12. Did you see Eric's Tricolour one? It's a very surreal image swathed in blue light. Chuckeroon is right Sarkozy will turn France blue if we don't wathc it- in the uk That's the colours of conservatives the right. I'm a socialist. There said, outed myself. France is a naturally a socialist country. I will shut up now and head for the sin bin.

  13. V. I for one just really enjoy seeing your shots of Paris. It's as if I am there, soaking it all in. I am not concerned about the photos being rated and critiqued. Please don't hesitate to post any less-than-pro/perfect ones.

  14. I read a lot of bloggers who have said they will be glad when la Tour Eiffel returns to its normal golden hues, but I will miss it being bleu.

  15. Thanks Jill, I will remember that vote of confidence!

    Starman, I rather liked la Tour all dressed up in her blue dress with the shiny stars as well. Maybe the puristst think it's gilding the lily-HA I think she's pretty fabulous no matter what she's wearing. The twinkling white lights knocked my socks off!

  16. B. and 'roon,
    I am not touching French/European politics. That's Peter's backyard, certainly not mine! We have our hands full over here and B's Gary is on it!

  17. B's Gary used to be on it for the BBC but the credit crunch means he's on it for the highest bidder, anyone. Cheeky BBC didn't pay me for the Photo I took of Gray for the website either. Get me to France now.
    Anyhwere in these lovely images will do.

  18. Oh B, Meet us in June in Paris..What a grand time we can have! I am so sorry about the BBC and that nonsense!

  19. Oh Virginia - Peter did a great job for you here - as you did for him! I must say though - I am with Jill - show them ALL to us - I am sure they are beautiful. Truly does take us there! Merci beaucoup again and again.

  20. I'm coming in late here for further comments - a bit busy yesterday!

    What I retain more especially, reading through the comments, is that it has been a pleasure to be a guest here and that the idea to work together between bloggers is an idea to be further developed - it's also a way to meet new friends!

    When it comes to the blue colour, I believe that the more immediate reason to the blue is the colour of the European flag. I would not imagine that this colour was chosen with the idea to make Europe bluer, politically speaking. Personally, although I have spent 34 years in France, I'm still Swedish oficially - thus neutral! :-))

    I hope to meet more and more bloggers when they visit Paris. It's always a nice an interesting experience. May I understand that Babooshka may be one of them soon?

  21. I thought you were going in May? When in June are you going? For a month I think you said. So maybe the whole of June. Just Paris ...

  22. Peter, you are so welcome and I enjoyed having your photos hang out on my blog. I think if you and I were still in kindergarten class, we would be the "teacher's pet" because we share so well together, oui???

    I see by your remarks that you are our neutral Parisian as always and we appreciate that!! It must be a Swedish thing-ha

    I'll be thinking about our next "project". Hmmmm.....


Merci pour votre comment!