Friday, December 26, 2008

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel

" Mon billet, Monsieur"
( Actually the mother was very smiley in other photos,  but this was a better photo of la petite fille handing her ticket to the man.)
"Up, up and away!"


  1. Lovely photos and scenery. Wishing you a very happy new year and leave you a little gift:

  2. A beautiful carousel. I'm amazed how different carousels can be and everyone I've seen is beautiful.

  3. I love the non expression on her face. My god french woman are just so damned cool. When I have that look it means beware. Image's are a real sweetbox of glorious colourful delights.

  4. Yes, I agree she looks very French, but I wish I had not deleted another photo where she was smiling. She was a stunning lady! I was so focused on the little girl trying to hand her billet to the operator. Isn't she just adorable!!!


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