Saturday, December 6, 2008


"Le Chapeau"

" Madame and the Dress"

"Wall Decor"



  1. Wonderful pics again Virginia. I savor each one.

  2. I'm with Jill. I savor each one, too. You were meant to photograph Paris!!!

  3. Love them all, AGAIN! All so different and charming! The wall decor is just fabulous! Also the chairs on the 'hat' shot.

  4. Ahhh, another older Frenchman...Virginia, you do have an eye for them.. charming. The dress in the window with the woman is wonderful. What a grand moment.

    I'm down to 9 days and starting to quiver.

  5. i nominate this essential Parisian viewing! Excellent virtual tour.

  6. Oooh...the bicycle shot could easily been a postcard.

    Great job! Am soooo enjoying my "tour" of Paris through your lenses.

  7. Love the "Parked" picture. Once you start looking, it's amazing how many bicycles show up in photos from round the world.

  8. I just found some time to sit down and look at your new site. The photos are beautiful and they are bringing back such wonderful memories. I do love Paris!

  9. Sharon, welcome aboard. Glad my photos give you and others as much pleasure as I had taking them. It's like visiting Paris all over again every night when I get to select the photos for the next day. You all do know that they will run out eventually! I don't have an endless supply and although I took over 1,000, they certainly were not all even close to "blog worthy"!
    Let's just enjoy while they last. I might just have an opportunity for more in the future. :)

  10. You've really delivered the goods Virginia. Each day you show us four new gems. So, when do you start publishing?

  11. This is a good selection of images today, V. As each unfolded I got s wee jolt of delight with the bicycles being very delightful.

  12. Told you, bikes perfect photography muses. Each a corker and the top bloke and hat just beging to be painted. Hint hint.

  13. That "parked" photo, "Melancholy" and "lighting the opera" are perfectly composed and captured, V. Love them so much. Thanks for sharing them.


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