Thursday, December 4, 2008


"Le Beret"

*" La Dentelle"
The Lace

" A View of the Garden"

"Some Time to Read or Nap"

* My sincere thanks to my dear friend Alice (Arradon DP) who so kindly tries to edit my French each day. Today I have driven her mad with one mistake after another.  Pardon mon amie. Gee I hope that's right.


  1. mm-hmmm ... I can trace your "old man in Paris" fetish. One of the really good things about many of the photos you take - be it Birmingham or Paris - is that they are peopled with ordinary folk going about their daily life rather than posing and promenading. I will posit that old people are less into P&P and they attract you as they show more character in their faces than do the young. The "man" part of the fetish, I wont touch with a barge-pole.

    The Tuilleries image is a corker - especially the higgledy-piggledyness of the chairs.

  2. Well all smashers again. Men in hats is a fetish(not sure sbout using this word for these subjects)of mine as I am fascinated with when the wearing over them in the UK died out. Never in my lifetime have I seen a bowler hatted City business man. Vaguely remeber my Granadad wearing a trilby and the image for me conjours up happy childhood memories. This is why I'm drawn todays. To me this is what photography is about- provoking a reaction on an emotional level. It speaks to be dahlink, especially the pristine green, the beret and the cigar. So naturally french without being staged.

  3. It's very hard to have a favourite shot on this set! Fantastic photos, Virginia, I love them!

  4. Virginia, I just found this new blog of yours and know I will have a grand time looking at all the photos. It's going to be a treat. We have some parallel "loves to share, mainly PARIS! Took our grandson there 7 years ago when he was only 7 and it's been an important memory of his and ours. Looking forward to seeing more.

  5. Another wonderful batch of Paris photos. I will be looking for these gentlemen when I go.

    Your colors are so rich and I especially like the one taken through the grill.

    Keep 'em coming. Do you have any of Peter and the other Parisians you met?

  6. Julie, I am LOL at your comments! Surely a "shrink" would have something interesting to say about the "man" part of the fetish! I won't touch it either.

    I am surprised noone has mentioned the two snoozers in the background. They cracked me up!!! The guy in front reading almost didn't make the cut because he wasn't "old" enough!HAA

    B. I often thought someone did pose all these characters around Paris for my benefit. What are the odds that I would have walked by so many!!!

  7. The first photo is such a classic.

    Love them all.

  8. I agree, it's hard to pick favorites here. But I love the snoozers! And the garden through the grate. And who doesn't love "the lace"?

  9. These are classic images, beautifully captured. It's not too often you see the berets. French men of a certain age are very proud of their moustaches,like the man in your picture. I'm sure they must wax them or something.


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