Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Paris Rouge - There's An App For That

Sadly I saw more and more Parisians reading their phones instead of their books and newspapers this trip.


  1. Great composition... she seems to be literally and figuratively in a dark space disconnected from the bright red reality of the world.

  2. We are posting to the same tune today V. I posted a bookshop which fell victim to the digital age. No Paris Rouge in mine though.

  3. sadly, sadly, that is so true. ..the world over and not just in paris….what have we become????

  4. A sad commentary but a glorious photo!

  5. Love her great sense of style with the construction boots, beautiful white bag, highlighted hair. Balanced in a very chic way...

  6. Terrific shot! Looks damp away from the terraces...

  7. They might still be reading books or newspapers though -- just on their phone. Great light and color.

  8. That is sad indeed! Who wants to look at a boring screen with magnificent Paris to be savored? Yeesh! Gorgeous red, btw. Passionate, wonderful red!

  9. I read on my phone all the time—except it looks to me like she's texting avec ses petits pouces. Still makes a nice counterpoint to all that lovely red though. :~}
    (I posted a Paris Rouge picture today too—sort of—and you were with me when I took it.)

  10. Isn't that the truth. But, since I spend a lot of time on my own phone, I guess I can't complain.


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